Summer 2 Letter

Nursery Letter Summer Term 2

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back to a new term, we hope you all had a good holiday and the children are refreshed and ready to learn.

The Church

“The Church is the family of God, the people that God gathers in the whole world”

Religious Education Curriculum Directory

This half term, the children in the Nursery and the Reception classes will be learning about the Church. The children will begin to understand that we call the Church the family of God. They will learn that a church building is a holy place where we can all pray and are welcome. The children will learn that Jesus is present in a special way in the Blessed Sacrament and he invites us to be with him. They will learn to be thankful that lots of people help to look after the church and know why Sunday is a special day.



At home you could help your children by:

visiting church, either for Mass or another time, to talk about the church

reminding them what a special place a Church is and reasons why

talking to your child about their Baptism, explaining how this was the day

that they became part of God’s family.



This term we will be using the topic of Minibeasts to introduce you child to different areas of learning. If you would like to follow this up at home, here are a few ideas to try!


Talk to your child about the importance of treating small creatures with care. Talk about your own experiences of small creatures.

Stories and Songs

Visit your local library to look for stories, information books and poetry about Minibeasts, the children can bring these into school to share with the other children at story time. Books with magnified photographs are especially useful as they allow children to see details.

Make up stories about the lives of Minibeasts you see. What must it be like to be so small? Imagine with your child that you are reduced to the size of the ‘Borrowers’. What adventures might you have?

In the kitchen

Encourage your child to try honey as a spread. Talk about where honey comes from.

Out and about

As you walk in the streets, gardens or parks together, point out small creatures that you come across. Maybe your child could draw and label what they see and bring their work into Nursery to be displayed on our Working Wall.


Please support your child in completing this and all the homework set supports the learning that takes place in Nursery. The children love sharing their work and moving up the rainbow when it is completed.

Nursery Fund

We ask for a contribution of £1.50 per week. We again thank the parents that willingly contribute to this fund. All the money is used to enhance your child’s experiences in Nursery.

Thank you and we are looking forward to a great half term.

The Nursery Staff


Contact the School

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

Miss M Flynn (Headteacher)
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Turner Lane
SK14 4AG, United Kingdom

Main Contact: Mrs S Phoenix (School Business Manager)

Tel: 0161 368 2934

SEN Contact: Mrs R Shackleton

SEN Email: