Catholic and British Values at St. Paul's

British Values at St. Paul’s

Ways in which we promote British values at St Paul’s:

How citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process...

  • School council
  • Working Together Council
  • Highlighting the development of democratic ideas in history lessons 
  • Allowing pupils to vote for House captains, Eco Councillors, Working Together Council and Sports Champions
  • Ensuring all pupils are listened to by adults
  • Inviting local Mayor and other speakers such as an MP to the school
  • Voting for house point treats

Appreciation that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety...

  • Clear and consistent behaviour policy that is understood by all
  • Organised visits from the local community police officers to reinforce the message of right and wrong
  • Highlighting the rules of the Church and God in the RE curriculum, for example the 10 commandments
  • Road Safety

Individual Liberty

  • Encourage students to be independent in their learning from an early stage
  • Provide students with opportunities for reflection as they take responsibility to consider their vocation

Mutual respect

  • Inclusive mission statement
  • Constantly promoting respect for others through modelling in our words and deeds
  • Reinforcing the value of everyone’s opinions in class debates –open and trusting environment where all children feel that they can contribute and where their ideas are valued
  • Effective anti-bullying policy
  • Anti-bullying week inc. assembly
  • Anti-bullying theatre performance
  • E-Safety Week inc. assembly and activities in class
  • E-Safety reinforced throughout Computing curriculum
  • Emphasising in RE and PSHE lessons that every person is unique and “created in the image of God”
  • Having active educational links with other schools e.g. St George's, Hyde
  • Supporting charitable works e.g. Lenten fundraising projects, NSPCC
  • Cross-curricular food days provided by the kitchen e.g. Chinese New Year

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

  • Religious Education – ‘The Way, the Truth and the Light’ provides pupils with a deep understanding of their own faith as well as awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities as a basis for understanding and respecting them e.g. Judaism
  • Show how Jesus encouraged tolerance in stories such as The Good Samaritan and The Women at the Well 
  • Celebration of other significant festivals e.g Eid

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Contact the School

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

Miss M Flynn (Headteacher)
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Turner Lane
SK14 4AG, United Kingdom

Main Contact: Mrs S Phoenix (School Business Manager)

Tel: 0161 368 2934

SEN Contact: Mrs R Shackleton

SEN Email: