Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Our Mission Statement emphasises our aim for every child to achieve his/her potential. Living our Faith by Word and Deed has specific resonances in meeting and responding to the needs of each individual as an integral part of our community.

Our aims for SEND are to:

  • Identify, assess and provide for all children who need special consideration to support their physical, social, emotional or intellectual development
  • To ensure that children are given appropriate support to allow every child full access to all elements of the school curriculum
  • To ensure that all these children have full access to all activities of the school
  • Involve parents, carers and pupils in developing a partnership of support, enabling them to play an active part in supporting this education

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs R Shackleton.

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Rationale

Here at St Paul’s we aim to create an environment that meets the special educational needs of each child in order that they can achieve their learning potential and engage in activities alongside pupils who do not have SEND.


  • To teach a broad and balanced curriculum for all children
  • To ensure that all pupils with SEND join in all the activities of the school so far as this is reasonably practical
  • To ensure that a differentiated curriculum is offered to all pupils and that assessments are used to inform the next stage of learning 

Where appropriate this may involve:

  • The provision of appropriate aids to support learning
  • Adaptation of the material presented to a group within the class (increased differentiation)
  • The provision of an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) which breaks learning down into steps manageable by the particular child
  • Periodic withdrawal either individually or as part of a group to maximise learning
  • Any reasonable adjustments to the curriculum

All of our children have equal access to before school, lunchtime and after school clubs which develop engagement with the wider curriculum.  Where necessary, we make accommodation and adaptation to meet the physical and learning needs of our children.  Class trips are part of our curriculum and we aim for all children to benefit from them.  No child is excluded from a trip because of SEN, disability or medical needs.


  • To work in partnership with parents to keep them fully informed of their child’s progress and attainment.
  • To identify, at the earliest possible opportunity, barriers to learning and participation for pupils with SEND.
  • To create an environment that meets the special educational needs of each child in order that they can achieve their learning potential and engage in activities alongside pupils who do not have SEND.
  • To request, monitor and respond to parents/carers and pupils views in order to evidence high levels of confidence and partnership.
  • To ensure a high level of staff expertise to meet pupil need, through well targeted continuing professional development
  • To ensure support for pupils with medical conditions promotes full inclusion in all school activities, including extra curriculum activities.
  • Through reasonable adjustments to enable all children to have full access to a broad and balanced curriculum, including extra curriculum activities.
  • To provide a differentiated curriculum appropriate to the individual’s needs and ability.


Here at St. Paul’s we offer excellence and choice to all our children, whatever their ability or needs, we have high expectations of all our children. All children are a valued part of our school community, treated fairly and supported to achieve their full potential.

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Contact the School

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

Miss M Flynn (Headteacher)
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Turner Lane
SK14 4AG, United Kingdom

Main Contact: Mrs S Phoenix (School Business Manager)

Tel: 0161 368 2934

SEN Contact: Mrs R Shackleton

SEN Email: SEND@st-pauls-hyde.tameside.sch.uk