Year 4 2023 - 2024

Mr Titterington

Welcome to Year 4!

Dear Parents,

I hope that you all had a wonderful Summer Break, and are ready for the start of the new school year in Year 4. Please find below a link to our curriculum overview, where you can find the objectives and topics which we will be covering during the Autumn Term, along with the Spring and Summer Terms.

Hopefully, the information on this page will answer most of the questions which you may have at the beginning of this year.

This year Ms Quinn will be our Year 4 teaching assistant.

School Trip

We will be attending a trip to the Science and Industry Museum to learn about the Digestive System as part of our Animals Including Humans topic in Science.


In Year 4, maths and English homework will be set on a Thursday each week, and homework will need to be completed by the following Tuesday so that it can be marked. Additionally, topic, science or R.E. homework may occasionally also be given to the children. Some homework will be on paper or in books, and others will be online. If your child needs their log in, please get in touch. At the bottom of our page, you will be able to find our KIRFs, these are our key learning focuses which you may wish to practice at home.


The children will continue with their daily guided reading sessions in school. Additionally, each child will have an independent reading book which should be read regularly at home. Due to the importance of reading at this stage of the children’s development, I would like to highlight the significance of providing opportunities for reading at home. I encourage parents to listen to their children read aloud at home, and to write comments about their child’s reading in their reading records. Children may also choose to write a review of the book which they have read in their reading record. Reading books will be changed when a parent/guardian have checked that their child has finished their book. Ms Quinn will monitor the children’s reading books and the dates when they are changed, to ensure that consistent progress is being made in the children’s development. I would like to invite all parents to promote a love of reading with their children at home. 

Times Tables and Spellings

Times tables are also important in Year 4, as the children will be tested on their knowledge at the end of the year. The children should aim to know up to their 12 times tables by the end of Year 4. The children will be set regular times tables activities on Times Tables Rockstars and will be reminded of their passwords this week. Please look in the documents section at the bottom of our class webpage to find a link to a document from the Department of Education, which includes detailed information about these tests.

Beginning in the first week of this term, we will be focussing on a different spelling pattern each week. The children will receive a copy of their spellings each Monday to take home to practice. It is important that the children learn the spelling rule using the support of the spelling list. These spellings will be tested on a Friday. The children can return their completed spelling list to school on a Friday. 


During this term, the children will have slightly different P.E. sessions. On Wednesdays, the children will have an outdoor P.E. session with Mr Allen. 

On a Thursday afternoon, the children will also have a session with our dance teacher. This means that the children need to ensure that they have their P.E. kit in school on a Wednesday and Thursday. 

Curriculum Focus for Autumn Term

Our key History topic for this term is The Ancient Greeks. Our detailed curriculum overview for the Autumn Term can be found at the following link:   

If you have any further questions or concerns you wish to discuss, feel free to get in touch.

We look forward to continuing to work with you to ensure your children continue to reach their full potential!

Many thanks,

Mr Titterington


Files to Download

Year 4: Gallery items

Year 4 Roman Chester Visit, by Mr Titterington

Year 4: Calendar items

Staff INSET Day, by Mrs Phoenix

Contact the School

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

Miss M Flynn (Headteacher)
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Turner Lane
SK14 4AG, United Kingdom

Main Contact: Mrs S Phoenix (School Business Manager)

Tel: 0161 368 2934

SEN Contact: Mrs R Shackleton

SEN Email: