Year 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs McGowan

Welcome to year 1's class page and welcome to Year 1!

Here you will find details of our daily routines and our curriculum.

I am Mrs McGowan, the Year 1 teacher.

In Year 1 we have Miss Cocking to support with learning and Miss Shorthose as our midday assistant.

Reading in Year 1:

Your child will be given two books and a reading diary to bring home and read- an “I can read” book and a “Read with me” book. The “I can read” book links with their phonics learning and the children should work throughout the week to read this book independently. This book will be changed each Friday. The “Read with me” books should be read with support and we will change these books whenever they have finished them. They will need to bring their reading diary and books to school every day. Please use the reading diary to share both what they have read and also celebrate how wonderfully they are doing. The children will also have lots of opportunities to read and enjoy books throughout the week at school and at home. The children will have daily guided reading sessions where they read and investigate books matched to their phonic level.


In an effort to ease the pressure on your valuable weekends, we will send a “Pick ‘n Mix Homework Menu” home at the start of each half term. In the table, there are lots of different homework activities to choose from. This half term, the children will have "chilli challenges" ranging from "lemon and herb" to "extra hot" depending on the confidence of your child. When they have completed a homework task, put a cross through the box. If they manage complete 2 activities for each subject over the half term, they will earn a sticker and certificate.

Additionally, each half term children will be given maths Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to practise and learn at home as well as at in school.

These will be sent home via email and include practical ideas for parents / helpers to assist the children in grasping the key facts.

It is important that they know these thoroughly and can recall specific facts instantly.


Our Topic this term is 'Farm to Fork.'

A fantastic and informative topic about where our food comes from. We will learn about food from different plants, growing vegetables, produce from different animals, farming poultry and how fish are caught and end up on your plate! 

To find out more about our learning, please go to

In RE, our new topics are "Resurrection" in which Year 1 will learn that Jesus appeared to his disciples in the Upper Room and will think about the times when they have experienced great joy and surprise. They will learn that Jesus helped his disciples to understand that he was risen from the dead and was with them (John 21: 9-14) and this made them very happy. They will learn that when Thomas heard that Jesus was alive he did not believe it. They will also become aware that sometimes, like Thomas, we don’t understand what is happening.

In our topic "Miracles", the children will hear some stories from the gospels which tell of Jesus using his God-given power to show his love and compassion. They will hear the story of the Calming of the Storm and know that we can ask Jesus to help us when we are afraid. They will learn that Jesus showed his love for sick people when he cured a man who was paralysed and know that Jesus has great love for people who are sick today. They will learn that Jesus responded to the faith of the blind man with compassion and think of ways that we can trust Jesus in situations of need.

General Reminders…

  • The children will be doing PE on Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school and that all items are clearly labelled. We encourage children to practise getting dressed at home to help them get changed quickly in school!
  • Any letters or reply slips, which need to be returned, can be put in your child’s book bag. The children are encouraged to check them each morning and give things in at registration time.
  • The children should bring their own water bottle every day which they can access throughout the day and they can refill their water when necessary. Please make sure your child’s name is written clearly on their water bottle.
  • The children will be provided with a healthy snack at play time.

Keeping in Touch

If you have any questions/concerns/worries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for all of your support.

Mrs McGowan

Files to Download

Year 1: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Year 1: Calendar items

Staff INSET Day, by Mrs Phoenix

Contact the School

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

Miss M Flynn (Headteacher)
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Turner Lane
SK14 4AG, United Kingdom

Main Contact: Mrs S Phoenix (School Business Manager)

Tel: 0161 368 2934

SEN Contact: Mrs R Shackleton

SEN Email: