Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Wood
Miss Boyd
Welcome to Year Three
Miss Boyd is your class teacher on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Wood is your class teacher on a Thursday and Friday.
Mrs Wrigley and Miss Shelley are our teaching assistants and will be with you all week.
What can you expect in Year Three?
The times of the school day are still exactly the same as Year Two. Please bring a water bottle in every day. We have one morning break where you can bring your own healthy snack in (the fruit scheme is for EYFS and KS1 only).
Our PE days are a Monday and Thursday but it is better to keep your kit in school all week in case there are any changes to the timetable.
Reading is an important part of your child’s education. We will do daily Guided Reading sessions but your support at home is invaluable. We want to encourage a love of reading and would like every child to have two books with them in school. One will be their banded reading book which can be changed daily if required. You will find a special reading reward chart in the front of your child’s reading record. The other book can be from the school library or a book from home that they might be reading (please ensure names are in books from home). Please aim to bring these books in daily.
Spellings will be sent home on a Friday. There will be 8 words that focus on a particular spelling rule/pattern each week plus 2 common exception words to learn. Children will complete a spell check quiz on a Friday. See files below for this half term’s spellings.
Times Tables are also a crucial part of developing your child’s mathematical knowledge. By the end of Year Three, children should be able to recall the multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We will practise times tables regularly through games, quizzes and Times Tables Rockstars but your support at home is invaluable. You will find your TTRS login in your Reading Record.
Although reading, spellings and times tables are our weekly focus and benefit from regular practise at home, we will also be complementing our curriculum with a selection of homework activities. These will be provided on a grid each half term. You can choose as many activities to complete as you like and ask that any completed activities are handed in at the end of each half term.
What are we learning in Year Three?
During Spring Term, our topic Marvellous Maps. This is a geography based topic where we will be exploring world Geography for the first half term and then UK geography in the second half term. We will be improving our map reading skills and exploring different locations around the world. See the Marvellous Maps knowledge organiser in the files below for more information.
In Maths, we will be learning how to multiply and divide 2-digit by 1-digit numbers. We will continue to practise our 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We will also be improving our measuring skills looking at length, perimeter, mass and capacity. We also have a half-termly Key Instant Recall Fact (KIRF) which is a skill to be learnt each half term. Please see files below for this term’s KIRFs.
In English, we will write a narrative based on the text ‘The Iron Man’.
In Science, we will be learning about forces and magnets.
In RE, our first unit of work is Galilee to Jerusalem. We will be reading about the miracles of Jesus, learning about the Kingdom of God and exploring the Lord's prayer.
We will also be learning lots more through Art, PSHE, Music, MFL, Computing and PE.
There is plenty more information about the curriculum on our year group curriculum page
We are here to support you and your families. We are always available at the end of the day for a chat or to answer any questions. You can also contact us on the school email address: or telephone 0161 368 2934, for a longer chat at a convenient time.
Miss Boyd, Mrs Wood and Mrs Wrigley
Files to Download
Year 3: Gallery items
Stone Age Workshop, by Miss Boyd
Year 3 Trip to Longdendale Environmental Centre, by Miss Girven
Year 3: Calendar items
Break up for Half Term, by Mrs Phoenix
Return to School, by Mrs Phoenix
Year 3 Sacramental Programme Workshop at 6pm, by Mrs Phoenix
Contact the School
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Miss M Flynn (Headteacher)
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Turner Lane
SK14 4AG, United Kingdom
Main Contact: Mrs S Phoenix (School Business Manager)
Tel: 0161 368 2934
SEN Contact: Mrs R Shackleton
SEN Email: